
木曽馬 Kiso Horse


Currently, there are eight types of indigenous horses living in Japan. The Kiso Horse is one of these, and it is the only breed native to the Honshu Island of Japan.

放牧中の木曽馬(長野県木曽町の開田高原 木曽馬の里にて)
Grazing Kiso Horses at Kiso-uma-no-sato in Kaida Plateau, Kiso-machi, Nagano, Japan


Kiso Horse Body


The Nagoya University Museum has a permanent exhibition featuring the skeletal specimen of the purebred Kiso Horse, 'Dai-san Haruyama.' In this section, we will introduce the unique features of its body structure from the viewpoint of our visitors.

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Skeletal Specimen of Dai-san Haruyama (Nagoya University Museum Collection / On Permanent Display)


Kiso Horse History


Kiso Horses have contributed to building the local culture alongside people. In other words, understanding Kiso Horses leads to gaining insights into the history and culture associated with the Kiso region.

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The transportation infrastructure in the Kiso and Ina Valleys, separated by the Kiso Mountains, is also intriguing.

第三春山号/Dai-san Haruyama

Dai-san Haruyama


Dai-san Haruyama, throughout his lifetime, left a legacy of 700 descendants, contributing significantly to the preservation of the Kiso Horse. Even after his passing, Dai-san Haruyama has been preserved as a stuffed specimen and a skeletal specimen, providing valuable insights into the physical characteristics of the Kiso Horse and offering a historical perspective on its past. To this day, it continues to be a source of learning.

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第三春山号の剥製標本(開田郷土館に展示中) 写真提供:木曽町
Taxidermy specimen of Dai-san Haruyama (on display at the Kaida Folk Museum) Photo courtesy of Kiso Town.

いま・これから/To the Future

To the Future with Kiso Horses


Kiso Horses worked as agricultural horses on hills and produced manure used as fertilizer. However, work in fields and mountains has been replaced by engines, and also manure is no longer necessary as replaced with the development of chemical fertilizers. Does it mean Kiso Horses have become unproductive livestock?

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Kiso Horse, raising rice fields (1960s) 


Kiso Horse Events




We will document events primarily hosted by the Nagoya University Museum, detailing the background, objectives, outcomes, and reflections of each project.

Additionally, we will provide information on upcoming events, including exhibitions.

・・・Partially available・・・

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名古屋大学博物館西側広場で開催した「木曽馬ふれあい体験会」での乗馬体験の様子 2022年12月17日開催
"Enjoy interacting with Kiso Horse!" held at the Open Space in the West of Nagoya University Museum, featuring horseback riding experiences. Date of the event: December 17, 2022.

© 2023 「木曽馬」とはどんな馬なのか? provided by 名古屋大学博物館
© 2023 What is 'Kiso Horse'? provided by Nagoya University Museum
Last updated:2024.7.3
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