からだ / Body

Kiso Horse Body


  • 体高133cmくらい、体重350~400kg
  • 体幅が広く、胴長短足
  • 足腰が強く、山間部での農耕馬として活躍
  • 山の斜面でも横への踏ん張りが効くように、蹄は固く外向き、また後肢はX状に発達




ここに、名古屋大学博物館第29回特別展「岐阜大・名古屋大 博物館コラボ展」(会期:2022年10月11日〜2023年5月6日)での一角「馬」コーナーで実施した「標本の魅力、発見!」の内容をご紹介します。


Here is the general characteristics of the Kiso Horse: 

  • Height: Approximately 133 cm
  • Weight: Ranging between 350 to 400 kg
  • Body Structure: Broad body, short legs, and stout torso
  • Functionality: Excels as a working horse in mountainous regions, particularly in agricultural activities, due to its robust hindquarters
  • Adaptations for Sloping Terrains: Hooves are firm and pointed outward to enhance stability on sloping terrains, and hind limbs develop in an X-shaped configuration.

※To register as a Kiso horse, certain criteria regarding appearance and physique (each part of the body), as well as measurements such as height, body length ratio, chest circumference ratio, need to be met. 

At the Nagoya University Museum, visitors are invited to engage with the full-body skeletal specimen of Dai-san Haruyama and discover unique insights and observations.

Here, we provide an overview of the 'Develop Your Interests in the Specimen!' activity held in the 'Horse' section during the 29th Special Exhibition at the Nagoya University Museum, titled 'Gifu University・Nagoya University Museum Collaboration Exhibition' (Duration: October 11, 2022, to May 6, 2023).

Now, let's explore the distinctive features that were uncovered.


Develop your interests in the skeletal specimen!

When you take a close look at a 'skeletal specimen,' various interests begin to emerge.

Please take a look at the photograph of the full-body skeletal specimen of the Kiso Horse 'Dai-san Haruyama.'

Which part did you first focus on?



To facilitate a comparison with other horse breeds, we displayed the forelimb skeletal specimen of a Thoroughbred, which is part of Gifu University's collection, alongside the full-body skeletal specimen of the Kiso Horse.

...The Thoroughbred's legs are quite long, aren't they?

写真左:サラブレッドの前肢骨格標本(岐阜大学 蔵)
Left Photo: Forelimb Skeletal Specimen of a Thoroughbred (Gifu University Collection) 
写真中央:木曽馬「第三春山号」の全身骨格標本(名古屋大学博物館 蔵)
Center Photo: Full-body Skeletal Specimen of the Kiso Horse "Dai-san Haruyama" (Nagoya University Museum Collection)

When engaging with specimens, let's consciously focus on "observation," 

which involves carefully examining and closely observing.


Here, we invited museum visitors to actively participate in the "Divelop your interests in the specimen!" to collectively explore and share our insights.

Participation Guide for 'Develop your interests in the specimen!' (Video)

When you 'observe,' information is absorbed into your mind (input).

You might feel the desire to convey it to someone (output).

Then, the cycle of input and output repeats.

Let's call this process 'tomo-ben'

— with the meaning, 'study together.'



Visitors were encouraged to share their favorite aspects and realizations with each other through 'tomo-ben.'

Using exhibit boards and post-it notes, they expressed their discoveries and insights like leaving messages for others to see.

The exhibit board filled with favorite aspects and realizations about the full-body skeletal specimen of the Kiso Horse."

When engaging in 'tomo-ben,'

you can notice aspects that you hadn't realized (hadn't seen) before
and experience the joy of empathy.

In this way, one discovery can multiply into two, three,
and as more people gather, it may grow to ten, a hundred, and beyond!



The responces obtained were compiled and summarized in a video.

Gaining insights like 'Wow, really?' from their answers, I hope your interest in the anatomy of not only the Kiso Horse but also horses in general has grown even more.

Result Presentation of 'Develop your interests in the specimen' (Video)

Please come visit the Nagoya University Museum.

Seeing the actual specimen up close allows you 

to feel the size and depth, providing a powerful and immersive learning experience.

The more you learn about Dai-san Haruyama,

the more you'll be moved by the skeletal specimen as a 'proof of existence'!

Come and look forward to the exciting discoveries and insights that await you.

© 2023 「木曽馬」とはどんな馬なのか? provided by 名古屋大学博物館
© 2023 What is 'Kiso Horse'? provided by Nagoya University Museum
Last updated:2024.4.28
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