れきし / History

Kiso Horse History




I. 木曽馬はどこから来たのか?(弥生時代古墳時代飛鳥時代奈良時代
II. 木曽馬のはじまり (飛鳥時代奈良時代平安時代鎌倉時代
III. 木曽馬産の確立(江戸時代
IV. 木曽馬の改良計画(明治時代
V. 木曽馬の受難の歴史のはじまり(明治時代大正時代
VI. 木曽馬の廃絶迫る(昭和時代
VII. 奇跡の木曽馬復元(昭和時代

Kiso Horse is only the native Japanese horse breed of Honshu island, primarily raised in Kiso-machi, Nagano prefecture.

The Kiso Horse has played a significant role in shaping local culture alongside humans. In other words, understanding the Kiso Horse also leads to insights into the history and culture related to the Kiso region.

Let's take a retrospective look at the Kiso Horse, exploring its characteristics and delving into its historical significance in the context of human interactions.

I. Where did Kiso Horse come from? (YayoiKofunAsuka, and Nara periods)
II. The beginning of Kiso Horse (Asuka, Nara, Heian, and Kamakura periods)
III. Establishing the Kiso Horse brand (Edo period)
IV. Projects aimed at improving Kiso Horse (Meiji period)
V. The beginning of the suffering history of Kiso Horse (Meiji and Taisho periods)
VI. Facing the extinction risk of Kiso Horse (Showa period)
VII. Miraculous restoration of Kiso Horse (Showa period)

I. 木曽馬はどこから来たのか?

Where did the Kiso Horse come from?




Currently, there are eight types of indigenous horses that live in Japan.

The Kiso Horse is one of them and the only one bred in Honshu-island.

The ancestors are said to be Mongolian horses.

モンゴルの草原と蒙古馬  写真提供:Mr. Yadamjav PUREVDORJ
Mongolian horse in the grassland  Photo courtesy of Mr. Yadamjav PUREVDORJ





Horses that have been bred in Japan for a long time are called "Nihon Zairai-ba" or "Nihon Washu," the meaning of native Japanese horse breeds.

Currently, there are eight types of indigenous horses that live in Japan, and the only one bred in Honshu-island is Kiso Horse.

The origin of the native Japanese horse breeds has not been clear, but it is believed that Mongolian horses came southwards from the Korean peninsula around the 2nd or 3rd century.

From the 5th to 6th century onwards, it is held to have spread throughout Japan.

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The origin of the Kiso Horse can be traced back to the reign of Emperor Ankan (532 AD, late Kofun period), as documented in the Wakan Sansai Zue:

"The horses were released into Kirigahara-no-maki, and there was not much of a shortage of horses."

※Kirigahara-no-maki is said it was a ranch at the foot of Misaka Toge (mountain-pass) in Misaka village Yubunezawa in the southwestern part of Nagano prefecture (currently, Nakatsugawa city, Gifu prefecture).

On the other hand, the inception of Kiso Horse production may need to be considered in light of the transportation infrastructure at the time.

Around the 5th century, the Tosan-do in the Ina Valley served as a major thoroughfare. 

Excavations in the Ina Valley have revealed horse equipment and horse bones in ancient burial mounds, indicating a thriving tradition of horse breeding since ancient times.

In the Kiso Valley, it is believed that from the 8th century onwards, with the opening of the Kiso Ancient Road, horse breeding from the Ina Valley extended into the Kiso region.

The transportation infrastructure in the Kiso and Ina Valleys, separated by the Kiso Mountains, is also intriguing.

II. 木曽馬のはじまり

The beginning of the Kiso Horse



From the Asuka period to the Nara period, when a mountain trail was established in the Kiso region, people from other regions came with horses and started horse breeding.

At the end of the Heian period, the Kiso Horse, which supported an equestrian master named Yoshinaka KISO, became famous as excellent horses.

Bronze statues of Yoshinaka and Tomoe (Photo taken at the Yoshinaka Museum)  









According to Shoku-Nihongi, the construction of Kiso mountain-road began in 702, the Asuka period, and it was completed as Kisoji in 713, the Nara period.

After that, horses were brought with the movement of clans having farming culture. In the Heian period, villages were also formed in the hinterlands, and horse breeding became popular.

In 1155, Yoshinaka KISO, also known as Komaomaru, was entrusted to Kaneto NAKAHARA in Kiso, because Yoshinaka was in danger since there were many retainers of Kamakura in the eastern part of Japan.

Yoshinaka grew up as an equestrian master in a natural castle surrounded by mountains, along with Tomoe-Gozen.

In the Kamakura period, it is said that Kiso Horse became famous as excellent horses, and warlords from various regions competed to obtain the horses from Kiso.

III. 木曽馬産の確立

Establishing the Kiso Horse brand





During the Edo period, Kiso Magistrate YAMAMURA, governed the entire region.

Horses were a symbol of samurai, and therefore, the free trade of the Kiso Horses was prohibited.

Nevertheless, it was farmers who raised the Kiso Horses.

Although the farmers were poor, they were able to continue raising the Kiso Horses because the horses were able to maintain sufficient nutrition on mountain grass, not competing in terms of foods with humans.

Exterior of YAMAMURA Magistrate's mansion (Photo taken at the YAMAMURA Magistrate's mansion)



  • 木曽五木(ひのき、さわら、ねずこ、あすなろ、こうやまき)を無断で伐採した者は打ち首にされました。
  • 木曽馬の自由売買は厳禁とされ、1620年には、毛付運上金という木曽馬に対する税(三百両)が課せられました。


農民が育てた明け二歳馬(年が明けて二歳になった馬。馬は1月1日に一歳増える )を木曽福島の代官所へ集めて検査し、良馬は明け三歳まで農家へ戻して飼育させた後、再検査をして20~30頭を召し上げました。



In the Edo period, the YAMAMURA clan, who supported Ieyasu TOKUGAWA in the Battle of Sekigahara, was appointed as the Kiso magistrate until the Meiji period.

The Owari Domain not only guarded the barrier gate but also entrusted the protection of the forests in the Kiso region and all the Kiso Horses to the YAMAMURA clan.

  • Anyone who unlawfully felled the five trees of Kiso (hinoki, sawara, nezuko, asunaro, koyamaki) was subject to decapitation.
  • The unauthorized trading of Kiso Horses was strictly prohibited, and in 1620, a tax called Kezuke Unjokin (300 ryo) was imposed on Kiso Horses.

Kiso Horses were the symbol of the samurai class, working as messenger horses in the Kiso 11 Stations. However, it was farmers who were responsible for breeding the Kiso Horses.

Two-year-old horses were gathered at the magistrate's office in Kiso-Fukushima and inspected, then fine horses were brought back to the farm until they became three years old. After another inspection, 20 to 30 of the horses were picked up. 

Other horses had their manes cut and were allowed to be sold freely.

Although the farmers in Kiso valley were poor, they were able to continue raising Kiso Horses because the horses were nourished only with mountain grasses, such as Japanese pampas grass, kariyasu, and bamboo grass, not competing in terms of foods with humans.

IV. 木曽馬の改良計画

Projects aimed at improving the Kiso Horse




In the Meiji period, the government aimed to enhance the size of the Kiso Horse by crossbreeding the small-sized Kiso Horses with larger Nambu Horses or foreign breeds.  

Consequently, the Kiso Horse became taller; however, it became difficult for people to carry luggage on its back. The horse also became less suitable for navigating hills, leading to a decline in profitable sales.

Despite these challenges, by selecting and breeding excellent Kiso Horses, their population in the Kiso region reached 6,765, showcasing a successful period in horse breeding.

南部馬「盛号」といわれる写真  写真提供:十和田市馬事公苑 称徳館(青森県十和田市)
A photo of Nambu Horse, known as Sakari.  Photo courtesy of Shotoku-kan, Towada Equestrian Park, Aomori.

Sakari is a historically renowned horse from the Meiji era, having achieved consecutive victories over Western Thoroughbreds in horse racing for two years. Sakari was born in Aomori prefecture and bred in Iwate prefecture. It is said to be the last Nambu Horse. Height 151cm.








Around the time of the Meiji Restoration, the total number of Kiso Horses in Kiso region was about 5,000. In 1884, the ministry of Agriculture and Commerce issued an instruction to improve Kiso Horse: 

11 stallions and 9 mares for breeding were sent from Nambu region to start the improvement.

In 1886, 17 stallions were introduced from Mutsu region, continuously in 1887, an American Trotter was purchased to make Kiso Horse bigger.

However, because the small Kiso Horse grew taller, it became difficult to carry luggage on its back, even unsuitable for walking on hills. Consequently, the horses were shunned by horse dealers and the price of Kiso Horse dropped down, which lost people's interests.

For this reason, by 1891, all stallions purchased from the Nambu region were sold off, and excellent Kiso Horses were only used for breeding. 

In 1899, the total number of Kiso Horses reached 6,765, which was the heyday of horse breeding.

※Nambu Horse produced high-quality large horses since ancient times. It is now extinct.

V. 木曽馬の受難の歴史のはじまり

The beginning of the suffering history of the Kiso Horse




Due to the implementation of the 1st Plan for Horse Administration, the improvement of horse production crossing with foreign horses was carried out again. 

However, the opposition of local farmers caused a crisis of the horse breeding production.

In the Taisho period, the Horse Castration Law was enacted, but farmers secretly continued to produce purebred Kiso Horses. 

宮内庁下総御料牧場(1930年ごろ)  出典:朝日新聞社「新日本大観附満州国 レンズを透して見たニッポンのガイドブック」
Shimofusa Imperial Stock Farm (1930s)  Source: "Glimpses of Nippon: A pictorial Interpretation" published by Asahi Shimbun Company








In 1906, due to the enactment of the 1st Plan for Horse Administration, the improvement of horse breeding with foreign horses was implemented again. 

However, the opposition of local farmers caused a crisis of horse breeding production.

In 1916, the Horse Castration Law was enacted, and three-year-old stallions were to be castrated. 

Still, the farmers continued to produce pure-bred Kiso Horse by secretly breeding three-year-old horses before castration.

The only Anglo-Arab Ghazlan 4 (dark bay, height 143 cm) from the Imperial Household Agency's Shimofusa Imperial Stock Farm did not impair the body shape of Kiso Horse stallion. It produced excellent horses that the farmers in the Kiso Valley liked.

Despite the foreign breed, the Kiso Horses of the Ghazlan lineage remained until the end of the Taisho period.

※Anglo-Arab was a horse breed originating in France that was produced by crossing Thoroughbred and Arabian Horse. It is now extinct.

VI. 木曽馬の廃絶迫る

Facing the extinction risk of the Kiso Horse





In the early period of the Showa era, the purity of the Kiso Horse increased again, and the famous horses Kunitomi and Matsuyama were born in Kaida village.

Still, as the sericulture industry in the Kiso region flourished, horse breeding activities gradually declined.

That was because the sericulture season from summer to autumn overlapped the period of hay cutting required to raise horses.

Furthermore, the Stallion Control Law was enacted for the purpose of producing military horses: Purebred Kiso Horse stallions were doomed to extinction.

山下家住宅の外観  出典:長野県宝 山下家住宅(開田考古博物館) 
Exterior of YAMASHITA family residence  Source: YAMASHITA family residence (also, used as the Kaida Archaeological Museum) as a Nagano prefecture's heritage.



The YAMASHITA family, from the mid-Edo period to the Meiji and the early Taisho periods, was a prominent "horse landowner," boasting prosperity alongside the Kiso Horses. As a "horse landowner," they lent female horses to tenant farmers. When foals were born, they collected profits by deducting a portion from the sales revenue as rent. With such a horse business in place, the role of the Kiso Horses was significant throughout the farmers' annual cycle.

【Annual Cycle and Role of Kiso Horses on Farms】
Spring: Field burning / Breeding of foals
Summer: Cultivation of fields
Autumn: Making hay stacks
Winter: Composting









In the early Showa period, the purity of Kiso Horse increased again, and the famous horses, Kunitomi and Matsuyama, were produced in Kaida village.

All of the Kiso Horses preserved today are of their lineage.

On the other hand, as the sericulture industry flourished, in Kiso region, the number of Kiso Horses gradually decreased from 6,879 in 1916 to 5,144 in 1936.

In Kiso, which has many cold highlands, summer-autumn was the main season for the rearing of silkworms; that is, the season matched the work of cutting hay necessary for horse breeding.

In addition, the silk reeling industry in Suwa and the cotton spinning industry in the Chukyo area developed, and the number of migrant workers from Kiso region increased. Combined with these factors, the number of horse production decreased.

In a further blow, the Stallion Control Law was enacted in 1939, strengthening the government's policy of producing military horses.

In 1943, Hogyoku was the last of Kiso lineage stallions to die out, and Kiso Horse stallions were doomed to extinction.

There were 47 mares close to purebred Kiso Horse, but there was no stallion remained.

VII. 奇跡の木曽馬復元

Miraculous restoration of the Kiso Horse





After World War II, purebred Kiso Horse stallions were sought for the revival of the Kiso Horse.

Luckily, Shin-mei, considered a divine horse and spared from castration, was found at Yawata Takemizuwake Shrine in Nagano Prefecture. It was then crossbred with a purebred Kiso Horse mare named Kazan.

And, on April 8, 1951, Dai-san Haruyama was born. 

Dai-san Haruyama grew into a fine horse and left 700 descendants through his lifetime. 

Dai-san Haruyama when its 20 years old (1971)







In 1951, after World War II, purebred Kiso Horse stallions were sought for the revival of Kiso Horse.

Luckily, a Kiso pure-line stallion, Shin-mei, which escaped castration because it was a sacred horse, was discovered at Yawata Takemizuwake Shrine in Nagano prefecture.

Shin-mei was crossbred with a purebred Kiso Horse mare, Kazan, and on April 8, 1951, Dai-san Haruyama was born.

The father of Shin-mei was Matsuyama, which had a large body, and the father of Kazan was Kunitomi, which had a well-developed front part of the body.

Dai-san Haruyama grew into a fine horse that possessed the strengths of both its grandfathers, leaving behind many descendants and becoming the ancestor of the current Kiso Horses.

In 1973, Dai-san Haruyama was commended by the Japan Animal Welfare Association for its achievement in producing 700 offspring in its lifetime.

© 2023 「木曽馬」とはどんな馬なのか? provided by 名古屋大学博物館
© 2023 What is 'Kiso Horse'? provided by Nagoya University Museum
Last updated:2024.7.3
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